Consider this…
You have a personal brand. Manage it, and create a draw for your services. Ignore it, and be commoditized. Jonathan Fitzgarrald provides practical tools for developing and managing a strong, personal brand. Read more...

“Best of the Personal Brand” Series

Profiling influential individuals with strong, personal brands.

Dr. Mark Goulston

While sitting in my office one afternoon, my phone rang. The gentleman on the other end of the phone introduced himself as Dr. Mark Goulston. He said he had attended a recent event where I was the featured speaker. He went on to tell me that he had some unsolicited feedback and wondered if we could get together for breakfast.

I took Dr. Goulston up on his offer. From the time we met, I was immediately impressed with his concentration on our conversation. He asked thought provoking questions. He listened. His insight into who I am as a professional and my potential for future success was incredible. It was almost as though he had known me for years.

Dr. Goulston made an incredible impression on me that morning, which is why I consider him a “Best of the Brands.”

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Tim Corcoran

I was introduced to Tim Corcoran at a dinner event hosted by a good friend.  Twelve legal marketers sat around a table eating and sharing war stories and successes. For a “salesman,” I thought it was rather odd that Tim was not more proactive in the discussion.


At the time, I figured Tim was merely unassuming and quiet. It was not until subsequent conversations and interactions that I realized his approach — listen and observe, then engage.

For Tim, everything is focused on and centered around the client. His approach and the value he brings to every interaction is unique (dare I say, rare) to the legal industry; it is also the reason I consider him a Best of the Brands.

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Deborah Shames, Jonathan Fitzgarrald, David Booth

From time-to-time, one of my attorney colleagues will ask me to handle what s/he perceives as a sales pitch from a consultant or vendor.

Although it is my job to say, “Sure fellow colleague, I’m happy to take a meeting,” I have to admit it is not top of my list.

Such was the situation when I originally met Deborah Shames and David Booth of Eloqui.   I agreed to have lunch, justifying to myself that, at the very least, I would leave having eaten a decent meal.

Much to my surprise, and within the first 30 seconds of our meeting, my attitude did a 180!

Not only did they connect with me in a meaningful way, but I was so impressed with their approach that when they finally asked if they could train my firm’s attorneys, I replied, “Forget about them, how about you start with me?!?”  And so they did.

Since that initial meeting, over 40 of the firm’s attorneys have been through some aspect of Eloqui’s communications and presentation training.

Now is your chance to experience the passion of Eloqui.

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Michael B. Altman

How do you measure such traits as authenticity, substance, genuineness?

A few years back while attending a networking event, I was introduced to the head of a life insurance firm in Encino, California. Immediately, my Emotional Intelligence meter (e.g., my gut) told me this particular individual was not your average Joe salesman.

Over the course of the hour-long meeting, I continued to observe him. I was impressed with the personal attention he gave to others in the room. His genuineness was palpable, and not only by me but also by those with whom he interacted. Faces lit up. Arms extended to embrace.  Kind salutations exchanged. It was obvious that this individual had a strong, personal brand!

Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with him about the difference I felt, the difference who goes by the name of Michael B. Altman.

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